Friday 19 March 2010

Evaluation Question Three

3.What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Gaining accurate feedback is crucial in Soap opera trailers. As soon as we had finished our video we were very eager to show other people to get their reaction and gain some constructive criticism. There is merely two different approaches, teachers and peers. Whom will there actual opinion and help towards making your project the best it can be. My teachers analysis these posts and comment there thoughts which provokes me into what path to take next, and i take on board to anything they have pointed out, and seek to improve it. There critical feedback, rip ping our work apart can only improve on it vastly. My teachers have only commented on the ancillary tasks, although Miss saw our Preliminary task although it wasn't near finished and we had a few gaps here and there, this was mainly because we ran out of footage we felt was suitable to use and knew we would have to re-film.
So these comments from our audience helped us take a lot of footage else we would still be gathering up quality footage today.

For our main task we turned to the general public, we posted our trailer on youtube, and has currently 32 hits over a few hours. We had pointers at exact timings to what add in the simplest transitions and we have taken these on-board. Initially we hadn't Incorporated enough intimate shots of Simon with Rebecca, opposed to the ones of Tom and her. There was an obvious imbalance there and it stood out so now we have lengthened and used transitions such a slow down to balance the shot, so the trailer stands biased to who the baby daddy is. It started to digress and lose its narravtive, i found that the main negative feedback.

Over the social networking sites, like Youtube and Facebook there is a newsfeed on everyones account of the most recent chats, event invitations, friend requests etc. Videos falls into this live newsfeed, as i uploaded the main trailer and ancillary tasks onto YouTube and Facebook and within minutes recieved terrmendous compliments back. Which is motivational and inspires me to look into their opinions and re-think my strategy to what the audience wants.
Below are the comments, from all different ages proving our age braket was correct in that all ages want to know and read about it. ->

• I believe if we didnt have the set back of losing our mock-up then, we would of had time to produce a questionaire to post to everyone from facebook members to members of our families, that way we would have got more feedback on a larger scale. Because theres no limit to the extent of your feedback.

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