Tuesday 23 March 2010

Evaluation Question Two

2 How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Our main product was a Soap Opera trailer, and our ancillary tasks, which had to be produced to an equally high standard as the main task, there were a Poster, and a magazine front cover. All correlated with each other as we have chosen to use the same storyline throughout. Featuring the same storyline throughout all three tasks meant using all the same characters, wearing similar sorts of clothing following the same plot. We did this so that we entice and can capture the viewers perception of our storyline, and hopefully influence them to watch the soap.

The 3 tasks were to create a recognisable and realistic trailer and advertisements, as it is these advertisements which are used to promote the soap opera and capture the target audience. Our target audience being strung in at all ages, since the poster doesn't give of too much information i means all ages relate to it. Meanwhile the magazine boldly shows off that its a young girls pregnancy. Alarming the elderly bracket, although capturing their interest with a trivial question lurking above. As you may notice we used the soap name Oakfield in both the Trailer and the Poster, however not in the magazine we did this conforming to the conventions, because the main picture just has a headline, readers are familiar with these characters, or it an evolving storyline.
The narrative of our trailer is not specific, but we have portrayed it to the best of our ability. We haven't come across any limitations of viewers not grasping the concept as of yet. As you can see Rebecca plays the protagonist roles as well as main narrator, alike our preliminary task of Danielle Westbrooke. This is conventional of most existing soap trailers. If the story is only vague, and means the viewer will have to watch to find out, since the competition strife in the soap world with continuous fights to top spot.
Our story is vague but displays all the key information without giving away too much. Which is the definition of a great trailer. However usually in soap trailers there solely based on a plot, leaving no kind of interpretation Usually, music is used in trailers the narrative is amplified through the lyrics. We searched for other love/hate songs but the rhythm is in sync with her movements.
Fan base is obviously teen/young adults, from the help of Simon and Tom. The plot surrounds the story of Sarah-Louise Platt, her teenage pregnancy, covered in love/lust scandals. The drop in the music shows what her emotions are going through we immediately empathise with the character Rebecca creating a connection between viewer and character, increasing popularity and aiding there way to top spot.

We had problems staying to the conventions of a soap poster as we found it difficult to find any existing soap advert posters. We therefore had to create our own idea and therefore went for a comic element.

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