Monday 15 February 2010

Risk assessment

A compulsory part in the syllabus was to undergo a risk assessment of each area were filming in.

As we begin filming soon, Rebecca and I have compiled all the potential hazards which could be encountered and how we plan to avoid or prevent them.

Potential Hazards -> -> ->

Swanley Park, Kent

Branches falling, bench breaking or objects on the ground

Suggestion, To move all objects that pose as a threat, check the site thoroughly.

Dog roaming free

Suggestion, Shoot at a quiet time in the day, most dogs will be kept on leads yet always be aware .

Swanley train station, Kent

Other commuters,
Suggestions keep clear of the commuters when filming

The trains, especially fast trains
Suggestions are rapid and can come regularly, stay well clear of the platform at all times, all platforms are marked with a yellow band, do not cross it until the trains stand-still.

Luckly our two posibly three other destinatios do not pose any threats to us during filming.

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