Monday 22 February 2010

Finalising Trailer

Our lesson learnt, we did the editing in parts, not overloading & rushing ourselves to cram it into a day. Yesterday produced the "first half" up to her dates.
Happy with what was did, we continued with the "second half."

We came across problems with our editing as we hoped for a pause in the music as Rebecca announces her pregnancy. We attempted to make that moment the climax and it was fundamental to get right. The cut from the Toilet scene to just Rebecca confessing her wrong-doings. We achieved this by using premiere. Rebecca and I also had to adjust the Amy Winehouse classic to suit then length of our trailer and re-make it for the the specific lyrics we wanted to use. Using a "set in" and "set out" button on Premiere, helped us controlled the length of the clip featured and could then repeat this process, dragging the clip into action whenever I need a different section of the song. This process was challenging at times as i also had to attempt to blend the two sections of the song together to try and create a natural flow of rhythm.
Going through that editing process, to then lose our work, we looked at the positives we got from it. Although it slightly de-motivated us we began to look at it as a practice. I would like to still have the first cut, just to make some comparisons because our skills have improved and so has our confidence in using Premiere. I have made progress and now have the ability to render and upload our footage onto YouTube.
Like our ending, Rebeccas father who we enrolled as an extra for the afternoon, driving his cab. The scene was simply going to be him with Rebecca as a passenger driving off. Yet with the Premiere programme, we challenged ourselves to add title and a byline as shown below. We then had to add the sound of Rebeccas voice narrating the piece onto another audio timeline, deleting the existing audio from the clips. The two went together smoothly and the final effect flows together well!

Sunday 21 February 2010


Above, Amy Winehouse track we decided on weeks ago, as our starting point.

Rebeccas' understanding of Adobe premiere was a lot greater than mine. As she persisted to make the final cut precise. As she began to talk me through it we were tightening up moments with the climax of the tralier matching with the Crescendos in the track, all to add to the cliffhanger and increase anticipation. Things we didnt initally plan to do.

All was a great learning curve for me...

As our work hadn't "saved" on my account :-(( although we had saved it on an alternative place on the hard drive it was due to technical difficulty. Rebecca and myself were kicking ourselves all morning. Although we still had all the movie clips our positioning and transitions had gone!!!

We spent alday re-doing what we could remember from yesterday, whilst it was still fresh in our memories. Using all the modifications to make it look as realistic as we could. Since all the soap adverts we have analysed during our research have had a surreal theme to it, I quote "we are looking to make our advert a cross between thess elements but to add more realism."
So using too many effects would take that away, so we agreed to stay clear of Zooms Dissolves and Random inverts.
Although at times, cross fades can look affective, more than straight cut which are too abrupt for our storyline when talking about pregnancy and running away.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Second day of filming

Its Thursday, were half way through filming & the half term :-( But I can see it all coming together now. Today's went really well! Apart from me running out of bacon for my sandwich :-( All of the footage looks great, I showed my mum who was full of compliments about the concept charaters & camera angles. Im looking forward to shooting the final scenes, were hoping for better weather tomorrow, to do another take on the Swanley park scene featuring Rebecca and Tom. If not were stick with the editable footage we have, if we double check Tom wasn't giggling too much.

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Back to Filming

Rebecca and I spoke in class last week and picked 17th, 18th & 19th in the half term to start filming, after consulting the two boys. The boys happen to be great friends but its out of character for both of the boys to agree to filming, Rebecca and I thought were have more of a battle. Taking photos is one thing, but when we mentioned filming there was an awkward silence. Hesitantly they fianlly agreed and we bundled them with dates, times & costumes. As I mentioned earlier Tom and Rebecca have been dating for years so she could arrange it with him, however Simon was tempted by the promise of a bacon sandwich.

All the characters are realiable because that was a big worry. But we have explained the situation and the consiquences. There fully aware of the plot so that all charaters and extras can improvise and act accordingly.

Fingers crossed for good weather :-))

Monday 15 February 2010

Risk assessment

A compulsory part in the syllabus was to undergo a risk assessment of each area were filming in.

As we begin filming soon, Rebecca and I have compiled all the potential hazards which could be encountered and how we plan to avoid or prevent them.

Potential Hazards -> -> ->

Swanley Park, Kent

Branches falling, bench breaking or objects on the ground

Suggestion, To move all objects that pose as a threat, check the site thoroughly.

Dog roaming free

Suggestion, Shoot at a quiet time in the day, most dogs will be kept on leads yet always be aware .

Swanley train station, Kent

Other commuters,
Suggestions keep clear of the commuters when filming

The trains, especially fast trains
Suggestions are rapid and can come regularly, stay well clear of the platform at all times, all platforms are marked with a yellow band, do not cross it until the trains stand-still.

Luckly our two posibly three other destinatios do not pose any threats to us during filming.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Poster, Final

SIMPLICITY, we went with the fact, its a "well-known soap and that most people will recognise characters". Its too the point and influences all ages since we haven't used the photo of Rebecca, the pregnant women could be anyone/any age and so all passers by are intrigued to watch it, giving the soap a chance, then the viewer is able to make there own perception.

Feedback- Tarik Chance- Vinalith Ltd
Its a great concept, the idea of a Wanted poster is well thought out. Its basic, but clear and too the point. The stroyline seems controversial enough but to make the poster bold and busy would be too much. You have clearly thought this out. I work alongside, in Sheffield this concept and format would be a lot like what gets sent here. Its never a problem, very good work and keep in contact.

Friday 5 February 2010

Mock-up Poster

>With the byline, as "Doing the dirty on a young girl
Who will it be?"

Yet this doesn't coincide with our plot. Although we were after a byline, we put our heads together yesterday yet couldn't think of an appropriate one liner. So we have decided to scrap the byline idea and leave it as "Wanted Father." It is too the point and provokes thought, and neatly covers the two areas we wanted to cover.

Feedback- Facebook On finalising our mock-up we asked feedback from an audience to see their opinions on how it can be improved. I uploaded it onto my Facebook account under videos and relied on the news feed to disperse the file. Awaiting feedback I contemplated uploading the Magazine cover too although I was comfortable with the feedback we got on that.

So simple and basic to make, overlapping the template with five layers, seen in the corner. Uploaded onto facebook as a picture as a Jpg, took us only one day to edit and upload this poster.