Friday 16 October 2009

Preliminary Task

We split into groups, were I was partnered with Rebecca Smith we enjoy this part of the A2 syllabus, because over two days of intensive planning and filming we came to edit the final cut of our soap trailer. Rebecca played the principle character and featured in the trailer and due to time restrictions the location was in Rebecca bedroom, since we couldn't find a convenient set in such a short time. Considering the short timing-frame we could not complete the trailer to the extent we expect at A2. It was simply a learning curve to using the software and testing lighting and sound.

Rebecca and I, decided to imitate the well-known Eastenders trailer entitled Sam's return on YouTube. It was a popular plot this year, consequently we endeavoured to re-enact it although adding our own twist. Rebecca plays the protagonist role of Sam, with Rebeccas' room as the background, we believed it mimicked Sams setting of getting ready. Both trailers are below, to show the resemblance.

So our remake advert, its a rough cut and if we were to do this again, I would have like to spend longer filming to get more accurate shots, which would have made the final cut more similar to Sams. Although Rebecca reinforced the fact it was simply to get to grips with the equipment. We both would have liked to have focused more on the colour scheme and balanced the light better to accentuate Sam. We also would have developed it further to get more characters and stage them exactly like the Eastenders trailers. If we had more time, we would have edited it with more similarities to that of the Eastenders, including a voice over.
However we reached our targets, because we both learnt how to use the equipment and the computer programmes, like Adobe Premiere Elements.

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