Sunday 25 October 2009

Song Choice

Now the basic premise for our video has been decided its time for the details. The first thing we need to tackle is the background music.


First of all we discussed have a dramatic instrumental in the background, as we thought that lyrics may confuse the audience away from the narrative of the advert.
We discussed and after some research we found this song on YouTube:

Although I liked the idea of the an instrumental, after vigorous searching I could not find the up-tempo music I was looking for they would successfully convey the suspense, drama and revelation that we intend to convey.

So we looked at other options. It then came to mind that we had already sent the copyright letter to Universal records regarding the Amy Winehouse song "you know I'm no good."

It then seemed like the perfect idea to use this song for our main video also, especially after closer inspection of the chorus lyrics ...

I Cheated Myself
Like I knew I would
I told you, I was Trouble
You Know that I'm no good

These lyrics seem extremely fitting for the situation that our main character is in, torn between two men. The beginning of the song also has a very catchy and upbeat instrumental that we could use, incorporating our initial idea.

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