Sunday 31 January 2010

First Visual, Poster

When asked to do a poster I immediately thought of a Wanted poster, since the plot evolves into Rebecca needy for a baby daddy, hence her return. Her want for a baby daddy sparked the idea for a WANTED FATHER poster. Using a wanted poster lets the public know of an alleged criminal who the authorities wish to apprehend. In this scenario, its illegal since they both committed underage sex. The poster reiterates there two prospective fathers, and the fact its a wanted poster, catches peoples attention, and a large percentage of those will proceed ot watch the plot unfold. Advertisements and billboards are put in public areas to entice to viewers, I believe this poster would catch the eye of all ages.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Soap Magazine, Final

Width- 208.03mm Height- 276.01mm
We understand Soap magazines are considerably smaller than a normal magazine size. Although our magazine cover is slightly smaller than the average soap magazine which is ??????mm.

> We attempted to change the title from "Who's the father?" to "Who's the daddy?" Although we were advised to leave it, because its a more familiar term to use when a women is pregnant, opposed to asking who's the daddy? Being a dad implies there someone who not only physically helped to create the life of a child, but also supports that child with the basic necessities and provides guidance and advice to see his child through life. Neither of the two prospective fathers have shown these qualities. Using "Who's the daddy" is associating a dad already.
> The photo of Ellie-may, alongside Joe supporting the "to be axed" byline. I wish I'd have asked her to wear a different coloured top, since the background was white and she didnt stand out that much.

Evaluating the layout of the Front Cover---

> We have alike all Magazines incorporated a Logo, the starting point, from where readers view down.
The reasons behind our Logo "i-tv soap," is related to the Apple network, its a catch word to familiarise the reader. ITunes, Ipods and the Iapps are continuously developing and growing, all ages are aware of their market power. Initially we were heading for a one word title to grab readers attention, but .....
I-tv connects also nicely with the producers ITV, were most of the related adverts are watched. There could be a connection there and new readership will be inclined to read on.
We added an eye behind the logo to reinforce the "i," this adds a twisted affect again used slyly to attract the reader.

> As the reader progresses there find an appeal of the two biggest soaps Eastenders and Coronation Street, as reference points under the two photos. These headlines our "BITCH IS BACK" and "KILLER" there gritty titles followed by an interview about "DRUGS WOMEN & MONEY." These headlines our dramatic and meet the readers wants being strong and harsh, we endevoured to soften up the other headlines, so the focus wasn't taken from the main headline.

> At the top of the cover, shows a bright yellow Skybox encrypted "Wedding Glitz, but do you remember who?" With the use of a trivia question, and a photo adjusted to black and white, we hoped to provoke the older age bracket. Meaning the reader thinks of fond memories of previous soaps.

Feedback- Tim Knapp, Sticky images

The magazine cover itself has a large section on the major stories of the week you could incorporate smaller summaries of each episode of the soaps. Although the cover looks detailed enough in my opinion.

Rebecca stands out and as she is in the foreground, she seems to be depressed and looks like due any day. This is one of the main things the reader will see straight away. Its a great shot.

Personally, I would have wrote more than, Muderer or Bitch is back, perhaps adding a byline beside the slogan, but not too much because it could easily spoil the programme.
On the other hand it creates anticipation of what is going to happen next, leaving the reader on a cliffhanger.

Also adding the use of a skybox, with a chance to win money or soap memerobilia being offered on the magazine to give your reader more enjoyment.

The magazine is obviously targeted at teens to young adults however older people would find it enjoyable in my opinion. It is well worth a read.

Monday 18 January 2010

Magazine Front Cover- Mock-up

Few small changes and feedback...
> "Who's the daddy?" instead of "Who's the father?" because the terms more memorable and widely known.

> Also adapting the headlines, because there simple and abupt "Killer" doesn't indicate which soap supports the photo, so it doesn't appeal to buyers.

> From feedback, Mark Hartshorn from Miles Smith
" I don't actually specialise in this kind of thing but my only thoughts would be that nearly all TV magazines look very very similar. Yours is no exception. I had one of my colleges look at your work and he was impressed, I quote " It very well presented with a good use of pictures and typefaces. However do you think it will stand out from the crowd though?
Red and Yellow seem to feature heavily on these magazines. Perhaps introducing a different main colour theme would be an idea?
Its not always the title you search for when you look for your magazine of choice. Sometimes it is just as easy to identify through colour and / or size.
The content is great, it's what people want to see and read. Although attracting new buyers to it requires it to stand out from the crowd.

Its Monday and i'm recovering from my sisters best friends wedding on Saturday, here there is a picture of the beautiful bride alongside her brother. Another photo of Tony is below, the friday before all the guests went out to a bar in the city. Had a great weekend and Rebeecca is happy with the photos. Meanwhile she focused on the KILLER headline and took some great shots of a family friend. These are all shown below.
I was thinking it would be ok to use to the same person in two shots as were planning to put them at opposite ends of the magazine. Its just there great shots which match well the headlines we have planned.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Magazine Front Cover, First Visual

Australian soap magazines-
Rebecca and I, used some photos we already had to mock up our ideas, based on the cover shown above. This was purely an experiment into using the programme and to what style we want to pursue. We came across some problems of lighting on the photos, and that they were of different qualities which contradicted one another. Also wording, the slogans are enticing on soap magazines and we overestimated are ability to think of decent slogans.

Changes that need to be made
> Add more heading
> More straplines
> More skyboxes, particularly in the upper right quarter.
> Make it more colourful and busy, the covers of this genre of magazines are always really busy, because they're in competition with each other and they need to show off what they have inside.
> Obviously the two 'love at last' photos are the same, so one of them needs to be changed.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Auxiliary Tasks-----> Soap Magazine Cover

Soap operas are the main theme/house style of our magazine, We were inspired by the Australian Soap Magazines, since there are more soaps in Australia, therefore the magazine covers are more busy, colourful and eye catching, elements we would like to incorporate. In Australia there are many soap magazine, I found there was a wider range to compare.
There are common characteristics I will endeavor to incorporate in my magazine, so that it is realistic.
*They're in competition with each other and they need to show off what they have by making the covers busy.

*They fill the gap between Newspapers and Books.

*A variety of different plots to appeal to a wide and diverse audience.

*Lets the pictures tell the story in less words.

Below, are photos Rebecca and I took over the past week, we met last Monday in class and our strategy was to take photos of friends and random moments when we believed would suit a caption to put on the front cover. As soap operas are based on real life events, the pictures our believable and based on real life events. We agreed to continue this throughout our project.

Shooting Schedule

We are mostly filming around Kent, and have decided to film everything over a two day period. We have planned the order we are going to film as the lighting conditions change throughout the day, and we require different conditions to clarify emotions.

Setting. Characteristic of setting include the domestic, anti-romantic, empirical and secular contemporary world, frequently set in middle, lower-middle and working class settings, urban or suburban, and with an emphasis on leisure activities rather than work settings. Does this general description fit our media? Could we produce a 'soap' about the Aristocracy?

During our half term, Rebecca and myself have chosen the 17th, 18th and 19th of February to shoot. The story boards/action plan we have created should set us up for an easy day of filming. All our locations are designated within a 20 mile radius of Wilmington.

Swanley Park, New Barn Road, Kent-
We are planning shots of Tom and Rebecca who are also an off-screen couple, so the chemistry isn't artificial. He is unable to afford the nice dates and wouldn't be able to conduct himself accordingly, consequently there in a public park. Weather is looking promising, which will set a nice backdrop for their love scene.

Swanley train station -
Is a good destination since its a busy station were there will be regular commuters who will play as extras in our trailer. Were heading to start filming around rush hour about 5pm-onwards. The other commuters should make our trailer realistic, and highlight Rebeccas character as she almost swallowed up within the commotion.
We are also planning to use Rebeccas father as he is a licenced black taxi driver, as an extra at the end of the trailer.

The Rising Sun Inn & Inglenook restaurant, Fawkham green, Kent-
During the weekends I have shifts in the Inglenook restaurant which seats forty people and combined with a bar, provides a relaxing ambiance. Ideal for Rebecca and Simons' dates, the popular country location, which Simon arranged means he is away from being noticed.
Although lighting may be an issue as the restaurant is very dark, perhaps we need to discuss extra light equipment.
Whilst we were filming, My manager inquired into what the plot was and kindly allowed us to film in one of the rooms. This impromptue decision meant we had to think quickly about how Simon or Rebecca could insinuate physical attration, since its necessary for the plot. We also think the shot is effective because of the scene where Rebecca and Tom kiss in the park shows a physical relationship between the two, therefore the scenes with Simon are comparable.

West Kingsdown- My house
We are going to use my bathroom as its cluttered and a typical bathroom, it is also decorated accordingly plain and white, it creates the atmosphere we intended to make, whilst emphasising Rebecca and her facial expressions.

Dartford, Princes Road -
Situated underground of the round-about, its used by the public to walk from one side to the other without disturbing traffic since its a busy round-about. This subterranean walk will be used in as straight cuts, to help make the story but break the focus.

Whilst shooting is in progress, I am going to refer back to the brief and focus on the auxiliary tasks, the poster and magazine cover.